Humeral Orthosis

Humeral Orthosis

Acquiring a Humeral Orthosis with a Friendly, Professional Team

With a humeral orthosis, recovering from a fracture of the upper arm — whether from a fall, a sports injury or another incident — can prove more manageable. Orthotic devices can help to improve the speed with which injuries heal through immobilisation of the affected areas to promote faster healing. With Dynamic Prosthetics & Orthotics, patients can enjoy working with a friendly team to acquire the device requested by the doctor.

What Sets Dynamic Prosthetics & Orthotics Apart in Offering Humeral Brace Orthotics?

How does our team stand out? We have:

  • Years of experience and the ability to fabricate custom orthotics for a wide variety of purposes. When you’ve been told to seek out a humeral orthosis on the Sunshine Coast, we aim to provide products that are ideally shaped to conform to the contours of your body. We are AOPA members, DVA registered and regularly work with Queensland Health — we’re well-positioned to provide you with robust support.
  • In-depth insight and assistance on how best to use your device after your final fitting. Our staff is always happy to show you how to continue using your lower arm and hand while wearing the brace, while also offering directions on how to care for the device and more. However, always defer to your doctor for more specific instructions, such as how frequently to change the dressing beneath the brace or how long you should wear the device.
  • Responsive, patient-focused customer service. You are not just an invoice number or a job description; instead, our practice recognises you for who you are: a person whose time is just as valuable as anyone else’s. When you have questions and concerns, we provide quick answers; when you visit our office, you can expect smiling faces and supportive staff who are here to put your mind at ease and help you work towards a more comfortable outcome.

Every day, we strive provide better service to all our Sunshine Coast patients.

The History of Humeral Brace Orthotics

How much do you actually know about the orthotic devices you’ve had recommended to you? Believe it or not, but their history is actually not as long as you might think. While orthotics as a concept have been around since ancient times, the devices we know and use today are very different and come from different origins.

  • The first major modern advances in orthotics came in the post-war period following World War II. With hundreds of thousands of injured veterans — combined with many individuals who suffered from polio in the prior decades — creating supportive devices took on a new importance.
  • By the 60s, our understanding of biomechanics — the science behind the way our bones and muscles move and interact — had advanced significantly, leading to a modern orthosis design. Biomechanical research contributed to the next wave of orthotic development.
  • Today, computer modelling and highly detailed research enables the creation of orthotics that help to promote the body’s natural healing processes while offering greater comfort and flexibility than ever before.

Aren’t you glad you can take advantage of the work of those throughout history for better help today?

Why You Shouldn’t Miss Working with Our Team

A good fit is essential for a functional humeral orthosis. At Dynamic Prosthetics & Orthotics, we take the time to make sure every measurement is correct while serving our Sunshine Coast clients — and to listen to your feedback in the process, too. With an accessible practice and our connections to Queensland Health, taking the next steps is simple. Call us today for further details.