Cranial Orthosis (Helmet) Information

Cranial Orthosis (Helmet) Information and Schedule

The helmet/orthosis helps to reshape the skull by taking pressure off the flat area and allowing the skull to grow into the space provided.

Helmet therapy is most effective if treatment starts between six and eight months of age and is completed before 12 months, as this is the time of rapid growth of the skull.

Wearing the helmet doesn’t hurt and babies usually get used to it very quickly. Parents can sometimes feel quite emotional when their baby first wears the helmet. It can be helpful to know this is a common feeling and to remember treatment is temporary and outcomes are normally very good.

When your baby first gets their helmet, it will usually be worn for a two-hours-on/two-hours-off cycle for the first two days. This will allow you to monitor your baby’s skin and give your baby time to get used to the helmet. Following a review around two days after fitting, your baby will start wearing the helmet 23 hours a day.

It is important to bring bub in for a review after a few weeks so we can make sure it is fitting and functioning at its best

If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call straight away on 07 5441 5135

Caring for your baby during helmet therapy:
  • There should be some space in the helmet for your baby’s ears. Make sure their ears sit comfortably in these spaces and the helmet is not twisted.
  • When you take the helmet off, check your baby’s skin to make sure there is no rubbing, blisters, or broken skin. Mild redness over the high spots of the head is normal.
  • You can put sorbolene cream on dry skin or mild rashes. You can buy sorbolene from a chemist or larger supermarkets. If the dry skin or rash does not get better, call your baby’s orthotist.
  • Rather than taking the helmet off during hot weather, it is better to dress your baby in light clothing to keep them cool.
  • Your baby’s head will become sweaty under the helmet. You should wash their hair daily and clean the inside of the helmet with a soft face washer and warm, soapy water. Rinse the helmet well and towel dry.

Click here for more information about Plagiocephaly and Helmet

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Thank you Dewet and the DPO team. You always go above and beyond to make sure that I live the best [...]

- Louise Foerster

Dewet Heyns has been my Prosthetist for a little over 3 years now. Dewet knows his stuff and his work [...]

- Nathan Marriott